Box Office
Located in the lobby of the Paramount Theater.
128 East Front Street
Burlington, NC 27215
(336) 222-8497
BOX OFFICE HOURS as of June 1, 2023
Saturday’s Noon-5PM & 2 hours prior to any ticketed event

Purchase Tickets
Inquiry calls, handicap seating reservations and Gallery Players season ticket seat reservations can still be made by calling the Box Office at (336) 222-8497. View the calendar for upcoming shows and events.
- Online* Search the calendar and purchase tickets.
- Over the phone* Use (800) 514-3849 to pay with a credit card over the phone.
- In-person The box office is open for onsite purchases Saturdays from noon-5pm and two hour prior to any ticketed event. (check Facebook for real-time updates on box office closures or modifications)
*Convenience and service fees will apply to online and over-the-phone credit card purchases.

Ticket FAQs
Does the Theater offer season tickets?
Currently, we do not offer season tickets. However, the Gallery Players, one of our select acting companies, does offer season tickets. Learn more here.
What is the refund policy due to inclement weather?
The opportunity to reschedule is open due to availability. In no case will a refund be issued.
What happens if The Paramount makes an error in your reservation?
We will first make sure we meet your needs by finding you an alternate seat for the performance. We will get your contact information and make available to you a number of tickets, equal to your reservation, for any event at The Paramount in the next twelve months.